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Shishu Bihar Announcements

Shishu Bihar Secured 4 positions in H.S. 2010

2010-06-06 17:10:42 : Shishu Bihar have secured 4 positions in H.S. 2010. The names of the students are....

Surabhi Datta Rank-1st
Mark\'s Obtained: 440 Letters Of Distinction(in 5):
ENG,B(87),PHYS(98),CHEM(92),BIOS(91),MATH(86). Position in Madhyamik , 2008: 1st. Position in Joint Entrance Exam: PCB-10th. PCM-26th. Time Spent For H.S. Exam: 4/5 Hours. No. of Private teachers helped for success: 10Nos. Gratitude for success other then teachers: Father, Mother. Ambition: Computer Scientist. Hobby other then education: Art & Recitation.
Sangeeta Das-Rank-2nd
Mark\'s Obtained: 432 Letters Of Distinction(5): Bengali(81), Eng(90), Phys(95), Chem(85) and Bio(81). Position in Madhyamik , 2008: 5th rank in the top ten merit list. Position in Joint Entrance Exam: 2nd PCB, 8th PCM,885-WBJEE, 10888-AIEEE Time Spent For H.S. Exam: Daily six hours for studies No. of Private teachers helped for success: 6 teachers. Gratitude for sucess other then teachers: Parents and relatives. Ambition: Doctor. Hobby other then education: Art, Listening songs and reading books.

Dibyangana Chakraborty- Rank-4th
Mark\'s Obtained: 426 Letters Of Distinction(5): Eng(84), Beng(80), Psy(87), Eco(90) and Edu(90). Position in Madhyamik , 2008: No rank. Success from Arts Stream : Time Spent For H.S. Exam: 8-10 Hours. No. of Private teachers helped for success: Six Teachers. Gratitude for success other then teachers: Parents, relatives and friends. Ambition: IAS. Hobby other then education: Reading books and time pass with relatives and friends.

Nilotpala Das-Rank: 6th
Mark\'s Obtained: 421 Letters Of Distinction(5): Eng B(81), Chem (95), Phys (90), Bios (84). Position in Madhyamik , 2008: 3rd. Position in Joint Entrance Exam: TBJE (PCB-8, PCM-7)(S.C), WB-2672. Time Spent For H.S. Exam:5 Avg. No. of Private teachers helped for success: 8 Nos. Gratitude for sucess other then teachers: Parents & Relatives Ambition: Doctor. Hobby other then education: Painting, Visharad in Painting.


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